KPFA Election Results

Meet Your New KPFA Local Station Board Members
from United For Community Radio’s slate

(For complete results, click here)

Thank you to the United for Community Radio community and the many KPFA members who held events, distributed literature, posted on social media, endorsed and voted for our candidates. We look forward to working with you to expand and strengthen our independent KPFA and Pacifica radio network.  The new members will be seated at the January meeting of the Local Station Board.

Akio Tanaka

Akio Tanaka

Akio Tanaka—Listener Representative

I first encountered Pacifica in 1970 t the height of the Vietnam War, an amazing new station came on the air broadcasting anti-war progressive voices. It was exhilarating and at the time a somber experience because the station was bombed off the air shortly after it began its broadcast, but it crystallized for me why Pacifica needs to survive.  Read more.


Carol Wolfley

Carol Wolfley

Carol Wolfley—Listener Representative

I want KPFA to cover YOUR interests: on the radio; on the community calendar; on podcasts and on website videos, I advocate for dependable reporting of people’s responses to political, economic and environmental challenges, discrimination and militarized violence; and for drama, comedy, and enlivening music that heals our souls.  Read more.



T.M. Scruggs

T.M. Scruggs

T.M. Scruggs—Listener Representative

I am an educator, musician, and long time social activist, involved in community/non-profit media for over 30 years.   My various forms of organizing and cultural work have proven to me that media is the crucial battleground for providing information and framing issues that determines a societys political direction.  I am a founder of TRNN-TheRealNews Network (, and on the Board of Advisers of   Read more.


Tom Voorhees

Tom Voorhees

Tom Voorhees,— Listener Representative

My primary focus will be rebuilding KPFA and all five Pacifica stations news departments back to their former award-winning national and international investigative news reporting on critical progressive issues. Presently, the three remaining Pacifica news departments depend mostly on a single commercial news feed read over the air, which discourages continuing listeners and new subscribing members. Read more.

Lisa Dettmer

Lisa Dettmer

Lisa Dettmer — Staff Representative
(Lisa replaces Josiah Alderete who is unable to serve.  Her seat is still unofficial.  She joins Sabrina Jacobs in serving as an independent staff representative.)

I would like to see KPFA be the community radio station it was meant to be.  One where there is actual respect and cooperation between the staff and the listeners so that we are living the mission of democracy that we preach.  And I would like to see KPFA expand it’s audience which is absolutely necessary if we are to survive by hiring a development/marketing director who will expand our audience and bring in some much needed grants for invaluable programs like the Apprenticeship program.  Read more.


On-Air Candidate Forums

resilienceNine of the candidates running for the KPFA local board spoke to listeners directly during a series of hour-long programs which aired at 7 pm over three days.  These forums provide a deeper look at each candidate, allow you to assess the positions they espouse and provide information you may not know about the station and its parent, The Pacifica Foundation.

The links below show which candidates spoke on which evening with their slate identifications.

Tuesday Sept. 6  Marilla Arguelles UCR, Carol Travis SK, Chris Cory SK 

Wednesday Sept. 7  Carol Wolfley UCR, Aki Tanaka UCR, Craig Williams SK

Thurs. Sept. 8  TM Scruggs UCR, Ramsés Teón-Nichols UCR, Tom Voorhees UCR

Graphic from Resilient by Design

“Meet Candidates” Garden Party


Please join us for our




SUNDAY, AUGUST 9th, 3 pm – 7 pm










Donation: $4 – $400 or more and everyone is welcome to bring food, beverages and music to share

for the 2015 KPFA LSB ELECTION

From: Flickr - nekonomania (6)

From: Flickr – nekonomania (6)

·       Don Macleay – 5 years working for the Sandinistas, 19-year school volunteer, Green Party activist, former union organizer and shop steward Oakland 
·       (G.) Mario Fernandez – recent SF State political psychology graduate, former Napa Community College Student Body President, former Occupy Oakland volunteer 
·       Janet Kobren – current LSB member, Pacifica National Board Director, PNB Secretary (Pacifica Foundation officer), 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla survivor 
·       Jeremy Miller – Idriss Stelley Foundation program director, San Francisco No-Taser Task Force member, host of Heterotopia on Mutiny Radio, independent journalist with S.F. Bayview newspaper
·       Marilla Arguelles – former President of home care workers’ chapter, SEIU, Local 616, editor of “Extracts from Pelican Bay”, former KPFA Labor Collective member
·       Scott Olsen – Board member, Iraq Veterans Against the War, survivor of police raid on Occupy

·       Sharon Adams – attorney; immediate past vice-president of the National Lawyers Guild, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter; was instrumental in getting Berkeley to refuse to hold people in Berkeley jails for civil ICE detentions.

T.M. Scruggs

T.M. Scruggs

·       T. M. Scruggs – Executive Producer at; ethnomusicologist; Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa; volunteer for community radio stations in U.S., Nicaragua and Venezuela


·      Virginia Browning – current LSB member, health care researcher, down-winder, and longtime KPFA activist  

·       Anthony Fest (Staff) – Producer and host, KPFA’s “Weekend News.”  Producer of “Project Censored Show,”  “Afternoons with Andres Soto,” and  “Poor News Network.”

United For Community Radio also supports:

·       Richard Hart – former natural foods store owner, Berkeley progressive activist, longtime WBAI member
·        Tom Voorhees – early-on KPFA volunteer transmitter engineer; 2014 volunteer of the year, National Federation of Community Broadcasters

Garden party photo via photopin (license)