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How is diversity on the local station boards promoted?
Diversity is dependent on recruitment of candidates and the will of the voters. The bylaws do, however, call for the creation of “committees of inclusion” to monitor diversity in station staffing, programming, and elections.
Powers, duties and responsibilities of the LSB Directors
Why do we care about the KPFA Local Station Board Election?
We want representatives who will work collectively to strengthen our independent, grassroots radio-media network.
A. To review and approve that station’s budget and make quarterly reports regarding the station’s budget, actual income and expenditures.
B. To screen and select a pool of candidates for the position of General Manager
C. To prepare an annual written evaluation of the station’s General Manager.
D. Both the Pacifica Executive Director and/or an LSB may together initiate the process to fire a station General Manager.
E. To screen and select a pool of candidates for the position of station Program Director,
F. To prepare an annual written evaluation of the station’s Program Director.
G. To work with station management to ensure that station programming fulfills the purposes of the Foundation and is responsive to the diverse needs of the listeners (demographic) and communities (geographic) served by the station, and that station policies and procedures for making programming decisions and for program evaluation are working in a fair, collaborative and respectful manner to provide quality programming.
H. To conduct “Town Hall” style meetings at least twice a year, devoted to hearing listeners views, needs and concerns.
I. To assist in station fundraising activities.
J. To actively reach out to underrepresented communities to help the station serve a diversity of all races, creeds, colors and nations, classes, genders and sexual orientations, and ages and to help build collaborative relations with organizations working for similar purposes.
K. To perform community needs assessments, or see to it that separate “Community Advisory Committees” are formed to do so.
L. To ensure that the station works diligently towards the goal of diversity in staffing at all levels and maintenance of a discrimination-free atmosphere in the workplace.
M. To exercise all of its powers and duties with care, loyalty, diligence and sound business judgment consistent with the manner in which those terms are generally defined under applicable California law.