Akio Tanaka

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From Akio Tanaka—Listener Representative

I first encountered Pacifica in 1970 t the height of the Vietnam War, an amazing new station came on the air broadcasting anti-war progressive voices. It was exhilarating and at the time a somber experience because the station was bombed off the air shortly after it began its broadcast, but it crystallized for me why Pacifica needs to survive.

With the young people burdened student debt and facing prospect of no jobs, they need Pacifica more than ever.

The enemy now are the corporations that own the media and the two political parties. The methods that the corporations use to try to silence Pacifica are more subtle and subversive, so it is critically important that we defend and strengthen this vital source of progressive voice.

We need to bring the internecine factionalism within Pacifica to an end, and focus on making the Pacifica Network relevant for the young people.

I served as a County Councilor for the Alameda County Green Party for many years, and previously served on the KPFA LSB.

I am retired but have worked as engineer, manager, and director for number of Silicon Valley start-ups.