On-Air Candidate Forums

resilienceNine of the candidates running for the KPFA local board spoke to listeners directly during a series of hour-long programs which aired at 7 pm over three days.  These forums provide a deeper look at each candidate, allow you to assess the positions they espouse and provide information you may not know about the station and its parent, The Pacifica Foundation.

The links below show which candidates spoke on which evening with their slate identifications.

Tuesday Sept. 6  Marilla Arguelles UCR, Carol Travis SK, Chris Cory SK 

Wednesday Sept. 7  Carol Wolfley UCR, Aki Tanaka UCR, Craig Williams SK

Thurs. Sept. 8  TM Scruggs UCR, Ramsés Teón-Nichols UCR, Tom Voorhees UCR

Graphic from Resilient by Design

Party Invite – Sunday, July 24

From a Photo by Brooke Anderson "Oakland May Day 2016"

From a Photo by Brooke Anderson “Oakland May Day 2016”

 Please join us for a late afternoon gathering  about KPFA 94.1 FM and kpfa.org  independent media  at the beautiful Redwood Gardens Community Room:
Sunday,  July 24, 2016
4 to 6 pm
2951 Derby Street, Berkeley
Meet  some of  the United for Community Radio candidates for the KPFA Local Station.
LaTasha Warmsley, —college and career counselor, and playwright
Carol Wolfley — KPFA Community Advisory Board member 
Kris Stewart — Multi-media journalist  
Marilla Arguelles — Former SEIU 616 Chapter President 
Aki Tanaka — Green Party activist and former LSB member 
Tom Voorhees –– community radio station builder and transmitter engineer
These current LSB members are  running for re-election 
Ramses Teon-Nichols — SEIU 1021 Vice-President
Samsarah Morgan — Oakland Better Birth Foundation Executive Director
T.M. Scruggs — Executive Producer TheRealNews.com 
(KPFA members should receive ballots mid August.)
Help us support the UCR campaign with outreach, phoning, events, and raising money for a UCR postcard to be sent to KPFA’s 15,000 members
KPFA and Pacifica are irreplaceable, strategic and transformative resources for amplifying the voices of millions who are overlooked, marginalized or silenced by corporate media in the face of police militarization, racism; and housing, health, water, economic, educational, and environmental depredation.  We forge a vital radio station and network by balancing often difficult news reports with programming that heals and facilitates human connections.

Results: KPFA Election, 2015

Three United for Community Radio candidates have been elected as listener representatives, Scott Olsen, Sharon Adams and Janet Kobren.  T.M. Scruggs and Don Macleay, who also ran with this slate, were first and second runner ups.  Anthony Fest, United for Community Radio candidate, was elected as a staff representative.

Radio tower simpleComplete results follow.

KPFA Listener Delegates
Margy Wilkinson
Scott Olsen
Leland Thompson
Sharon Adams
William Campisi
Sasha Futran
Janet Kobren
Barbara Whipperman
David Lynch

KPFA Staff Delegates
Tim Lynch
Anthony Fest
Sabrina Jacobs

For more details about the vote count, click here.

2016 KPFA LSB Listener members
Sharon Adams (United for Community Radio – UCR)
Craig Alderson (Save KPFA – SK)
William Campisi (SK)
Jose Luis Fuentes (SK)
Sasha Futran (SK)
Kate Gowen (SK)
Mark Hernandez (SK)
Janet Kobren
David Lynch (SK)
Samsarah Morgan (UCR)
Scott Olsen (UCR)
T.M Scruggs* (UCR)
Ramses Teon-Nichols (UCR)
Leland Thompson (SK)
Carole Travis (SK)
Barbara Whipperman (SK)
Burton White (SK)
Margy Wilkinson (SK)
Rych Withers** (SK)
* T.M Scruggs will replace Andrea Pritchett when her term ends this December
** LSB seat but not a Delegate (see bylaws, Article 7, Section 8 at http://pacifica.org/indexed_bylaws/art7sec8.html)
2016 KPFA LSB Staff members
Brian Edwards-Tiekert (SK)
Anthony Fest (UCR)
Sabrina Jacobs (non-aligned)
Tim Lynch (SK)
Joy Moore (UCR)
Frank T. Sterling Jr. (UCR)
2016 KPFA LSB Totals:
14 SK
1 Non-aligned
LSB members
15 SK
1 Non-aligned
2016 KPFA LSB Listener Election runners-up list
*1. T.M. Scruggs (UCR) who will immediately replace UCR’s termed-out Andrea Pritchett
2. Don Macleay (UCR)
3. Yuri Gottesman (SK)
4. Virginia Browning (UCR)
5. Marilla Argüelles (UCR)
6. Jeremy Miller (UCR)
7. Tom Voorhees (UCR)
8. Mario Fernandez (UCR)
9. Brian Oakchunas (SK)
10. Richard Hart (UCR)
2016 KPFA LSB Staff Election runners-up list
1. Lewis Sawyer (SK)
2. Ann Garrison (UCR)
3. Luis Medina (???)

On-Air Candidate Forums


From Flickr, license below.

One-Hour Live
Listener Candidate Forums

KPFA Performance Studio
19 Candidates, 4 Forums

(Click on the dates, to listen)

Sharon Adams
Brian Oakchunas
Scott Olsen
Don Macleay
Barbara Whipperman
T.M. Scruggs
Margy Wilkinson
Marilla Arguelles


Yuri Gottesman
Janet Kobren
William Campisi
Mario Fernandez 
Jeremy Miller


Tom Voorhees
David Lynch
Virginia Browning
Sasha Futran



Nelsy Batista, Local Election Supervisor
Substitute Moderator, Leon from Youth Radio/Bay Area MC

 Three or four of the questions asked came from the studio audience.  The names of those asking the question were pulled from a hat.


These candidates were scheduled but did not appear:
Richard Hart
Leland Thompson


Graphic: license